Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hipsters make me sad.

I really think it's about time I unleash my strong hatred (and amusement) of hipsters onto the internet. I drew a few pictures for my friend Jake and figured they were crappy enough to share with my audience. Or lack thereof, J.T. aside.

This one is particularly hilarious. Unfortunately, it's not entirely true, because real hipsters would never go to Starbucks, one of the biggest corporate whores of America. They go to places like Java Shotz or Cafe du Crap where they can get extra chilled wheat grass shots in their Mo'cuccino Vanilla smoothies.

I have to apologize for this one as well, as I forgot to include the poor Hispanic families in the background. And before I get hate mail about being racist, it's OKAY. I'm Puerto Rican. I'm allowed.


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